Your Roadmap To Creating Your Dream Life In Portugal


Embark on a transformative journey to 'Finding Home', designed to turn your aspirations of living abroad into a tangible reality

A self-paced program to guide you from dreaming to doing, providing you with the practical tools and emotional resilience necessary to not only transition smoothly to your dream destination but also to thrive there and build a life that truly reflects your deepest dreams & desires. 


 In this very moment, you're standing at the brink of something extraordinary, a life full of new opportunities, new friendships, new experiences, and to step into your vision of living abroad...

But there's a heap of unknowns standing between you and your dream..

Trying to figure out how you can financially make this work

 Anxiety about fitting in, understanding social norms, and overcoming language barriers

Stress about the impact of the move on children, partners, or maintaining long-distance relationships

Sustaining a business or finding employment & managing finances in a new economic context

 The daunting prospect of dealing with visa issues, residency permits, and understanding local laws

Concerns about the quality of education, finding schools, and the impact it'll have on your children


But most of all, the underlying fear of making the wrong decision...

which leads you to feeling stuck



But here's the good news...


You don't have to do this alone. I'm here to guide you, turning those uncertainties into a clear roadmap, each step taking you closer towards the life you've been dreaming of. We'll tackle everything head-on, mastering the art of starting anew in an unfamiliar land. We'll demystify the complexities of adapting to new systems, from securing your family's well-being to decoding the local legal maze, ensuring that every piece of the puzzle fits perfectly into place.

This program is more than just a guide; it's your compass to a life that's not just about moving locations but about moving forward into a life of fulfilment, success, and limitless potential. It's about embarking on this transformative change and coming out on the other side, not just having survived but having created a life that fulfils you on all levels.

Imagine, instead of dreaming of this lifestyle, you were actually living the life you've been dreaming of...  




Imagine embarking on this journey that...

Doesn't just help you and your partner better communicate but reignites a spark as you navigate a new adventure together.

Equips your children to be ready for the adventure that will help shape them into worldly, open-hearted individuals with a growth mindset.

Inspires your work, where it feels more like your calling being surrounded by other dreamers and doers who inspire you.

Where you feel confident meeting new people being all of you.

Enables you to create a new routine of healthier habits, where you walk more, eat better, and take the time to really savour a life that's not just good for you; it's giving you renewed vitality.

This program is about so much more than moving; it’s about transforming your everyday life into an ongoing adventure and never again fearing the unknown, because you got clear on what you wanted and had the belief and trust in yourself to make it happen! 

My promise is to equip you with the tools to transform your dream into a reality that lights up and moves you forward. Each lesson will illuminate your journey towards a life that embraces your deepest desires and showcases your dreams & boundless potential of living the life you deserve.  



Here's how...Introducing 


 A program that will give you the emotional & practical support to make your move & dream life a reality.


 If you're contemplating a life-changing move abroad,' Finding Home' will guide you from uncertainty to clarity, turning your aspirations of living abroad into a fulfilling reality. Think of this journey as more than a relocation—it's a rebirth—a blueprint for a new way of living, finding clarity in what you truly want from life, and boldly going after it. 



This program is for you if ...

You want to live in another country, but you're not sure if it's the right move for you.

You're ready to move abroad but wondering, "What's my first step?"

You want a clear roadmap to navigate the move in the best possible way.

You've moved to a new country, but you're not living the life you expected. 

Here's where the program can help 


Deep Personal Clarity and Direction

Understanding authentic motivations and desires for moving abroad, leading to more purposeful and satisfying life choices.

Resilience and Emotional Intelligence

Enhanced ability to navigate emotional challenges, adapt to new environments, and build resilience for a smooth transition.

Stronger Relationships and Communication

Improved dynamics in personal and family relationships, with effective communication skills to support a unified move.

Comprehensive Relocation Strategy

Practical skills for strategic planning of the move, including financial, legal, and logistical aspects, ensuring a well-organised and stress-free transition.

Cultural Adaptation and Community Building

Ability to adapt to a new culture, integrate into the community, and build a supportive network in the new country.

Professional and Financial Readiness

Strategies for career advancement or entrepreneurship abroad, ensuring financial stability and professional fulfilment in the new environment.




Clarity on your motives 

Getting clear on where you want to live and why  

Creating your personal roadmap & timescales 

Navigating the rollercoaster journey 


Your Relationship Dynamics and The Move

Adventure Mapping Together & Manifesting the Life You Both Want 

Honest Communication and Supporting Each Other Effectively

Making Big Decisions Together and Managing Stress


Preparing Your Family

Preparing Your Children For The Move

Finding Schools, Friends & Transitioning

Turning the Move into a Collective Growth Journey as a Family

Telling your Loved Ones & Friends You're Leaving 


Clarity and Decision-Making

Balancing Dreams with Practical Realities

Preparing for the Unknowns & Moving Through Uncertainty 

Self-trust, Self-Belief & Making The Right Choices For You


Freelancing, Entrepreneurship & money

Financing the Move & Trading Assets

Entrepreneurship and Tax Efficiency 

Taxes, Banks and Managing Your Money

Remote roles, freelancing and becoming a digital creator to become financial independent 


Strategic Mapping for the Move

Planning Your Move Step-by-Step

 Finding a Home (rent v buying)

Addressing Visas, Legal, Finances & Healthcare

Moving your pets & your belonging


Navigating the Liminal Space 

Embracing the Unknown and Learning to Trust

Managing the Set-backs and Problem-Solving 

Building a New Life Before You Arrive 

The Art of Letting Go 


Shaping Your New Life with Joy and Curiosity

Exploring with a Playful Mindset in Your New Environment

Self-Expression & Attracting Genuine Relationships

Cultural Shifts Remaining True to Your Roots

Your 6-month Adjustment Plan


You’ll also get these exclusive bonuses when you join!


“This course has completely changed my life."

I’m so happy I signed up. I highly recommend it!”




 Comprehensive digital workbook & journal with exercises 

 To help you get the most out of the program, we've created a comprehensive workbook and journal to help you work through the various modules. Each module also comes with exercises to help you move into the growth mindset so you can live a life that feels limitless. There are also conversation prompts to help you get the most out of those difficult conversations with loved ones. 



Template & organisational tools

Get on top of your organisation and save money & time with my plug-and-play templates, from Financial planning Google Sheets, Timeline project planning tools and Checklists


Lifetime access, In-depth lessons & step by step mentorship 

This course experience is highly focused. Each in-depth lesson will walk you through each step of the exploration, navigation, and implementation so you feel confident in your every move. If you want to upgrade to get 1-on-1 support, you can, but I wanted the investment for this program to be accessible to everyone who wants in. Plus, you get lifetime access so that you can dip in and out according to your timeline.


Templates, Planning tools, contacts and exclusive discount

Included in the program are tried-and-tested tools and templates, including financial planning Google Sheets, timeline project planning tools, and checklists.  Also, as a member, you'll gain exclusive rates to book a power hour with me to answer your questions as you map and make your move abroad.  

BTS & Real-Life Success Stories from over 50 women interviewed

I'll be sharing the behind-the-scenes insights of my journey with my family, the trials and tribulations, and Real-Life examples, having interviewed over 50 women who have successfully created a dream life abroad. I'm not leaving any of the details out, so you get to see the good, bad, and ugly of how women like you overcame adversity and succeeded in creating a life full of wonder overseas.


Meet your mentor, Deborah 

As the founder of Home, I work with people who are ready to step out of their comfort zone to create true freedom, financially, emotionally, and spiritually to elevate their lives to their fullest potential and live a deeply aligned and more meaningful life.

As a business and life Mentor with 20 years experience, I've worked with hundreds of women to create the life of their dreams, whether that's moving across the globe, launching seven-figure businesses, or finding love again, I know that if you truly desire something, it's yours to have. 

In 2022, my husband and I decided to move from the UK to the Lisbon Coast. With a teenager, a three-legged cat, and a nervous dog, my journey was full of twists and turns, but one that helped me grow in wonderful ways to create a life that truly reflects who I am at my core. 

From my own journey and from helping countless women on theirs, I'm here to tell you that anything is possible when you make the commitment to living a life that's authentically and deeply yours.

The fact Deborah is a Mentor really comes across, the program helped me navigate the difficult times, especially with my son, and the exercises really helped me and my family get in the zone of anything is possible. I can't thank you enough. 

Laura B

I honestly can say this program helped me find myself again. We've moved many times for my husband's job, but this is the first time I embraced the move. I now know I can adapt and feel at home anywhere; it just doesn't phase me.

Jess T

It helps Deborah is a successful entrepreneur; she helped me navigate running my business abroad, even expanding it to run retreats here. The best bit is she helped me navigate the tax system, so I now retain 20% more profit. 

Kat A

We're a lot closer as a family, and my husband and I now have a shared vision, which feels amazing. The practical side of the program was really helpful, but it's the emotional journey we've been on as a family that has changed our lives.

Dee W

This program is for you if...


You want to be in the best emotional state to deal with all the change and create a growth mindset

You're ready to explore what it would take to move abroad to be fully informed before making any significant decisions

You're currently navigating the possibility of a move, and you're looking for support and guidance

You're in the middle of implementing a move, and it is overwhelming 

You want to gain clarity and direction for you and your family about how and where you'll live, work and thrive 

You don't just want to move countries; you're ready to create a new and more fulfilling life 



Connect with me EVERY month for themed coaching and Q&A sessions.

You get access to live monthly calls with me and our community ALL YEAR, to break through new money blocks as they come up and make progress towards your next income goal.

I'll teach you the main Bootcamp principles and help you work through your money blocks in real time so you can keep growing. 

Plus I host two calls at different times so there's a slot that works for your time zone no matter where you are in the world. 

You'll get mentoring from me, a million-dollar money mentor as you embrace these life-changing concepts — AND the support of a vibrant community of entrepreneurs who are immersing themselves in the content alongside you.


“Deborah helped me turn a stressful situation into an exciting adventure for me and my family. We’re living very differently as a result, not just in a new country, but how we express ourselves and interact.”



Your Investment

 Ready to make 'one day' into day one?






Full access to the program

Lifetime access 

Tools and templates

 Workbook, Journal & exercises 







Full access to the program

Lifetime access 

Workbook, Journal & exercises 

Tools and templates

Three 90-min 1-on-1 Sessions 

My little black book of contacts   



*Three-month payment plan available


Upgrade your experience


If you'd like personal & customised support throughout the program, the consultancy upgrade is for you. In addition to the full course experience, you'll get three 90-minute 1-on-1 sessions with Deborah. Where she'll design each session for your specific situation. If you're not sure where to start, here's an example of what we'll cover: 

Session 1: Exploring options, lifestyle wants, logistics, tax, visas and problem-solving 

Session 2: Rethinking the way you earn and funding the lifestyle you want to live

Session 3: Bringing the plan to fruition with a realistic timeframe & budget



Got a question? Hit the message button to the right or reach out at [email protected]

Prefer to work with me privately? 

I offer a bespoke consultancy service to support you in making your dream of living abroad a reality. 

Whether you're moving with family or retiring together, we'll work on the vision to scope out a plan where I'll help you navigate the road ahead.

To find out how I can help you and fees, please fill in the form so I can understand your unique situation and what you need.